OpenCage Geocoding Using KNIME

A standard installation of KNIME does not come with a built in Geocoder node but it’s very easy to either install one or make your own. KNIME has a page dedicated to Geo Nodes ( using the Palladian Community Nodes that supports both MapQuest and Google. But if you want to roll your own using …

Using KNIME Recursive Loops with a GraphQL API

Introduction This guide will show you how to use a recursive loop to download data from an API. I my case I’ll be using a GraphQL API but the approach would work in a similar way for any other REST API. This guide will not go into the details about the workings of GraphQL as …

Magento Commerce API Fun 🙄

As a consultant you get to work with many different systems, some easy, some difficult and some downright weird. Magento Commerce fits firmly into the last category. For those that don’t know Magento is a very popular E-commerce platform owned by Adobe and used by some of the largest companies in the world. How APIs …

Multi-threading API Requests in Python

When making hundred or thousands of API calls things can quickly get really slow in a single threaded application. No matter how well your own code runs you’ll be limited by network latency and response time of the remote server. Making 10 calls with a 1 second response is maybe OK but now try 1000. …

Why are Logistics Carriers so Bad with Data?

Just to be clear when I say Logistic Carriers I mean UPS, DHL, DSV, GLS and many other three letter companies that deliver your Christmas presents, but in a business context they are also responsible for B2B deliveries of goods to shops and warehouses. I’ve previously worked in Logistics for many years and so have …