Using Python with One Time Passwords (2FA)

Ever wanted to automate a process involving a vendor website and come across this. Me too 😔 One time passwords (aka MFA, 2FA, or two factor authentication as I’ll say from here on) are something everyone should use and are great for security, not so great for automation. Until recently I thought this was hard …

Do What I Mean!

DWIM (do what I mean) computer systems attempt to anticipate what users intend to do, correcting trivial errors automatically rather than blindly executing users’ explicit but potentially incorrect inputs. When I hear about the AI singularity and how no one will have jobs in 10 years I usually just laugh. Computers and software are really, …

Why are Logistics Carriers so Bad with Data?

Just to be clear when I say Logistic Carriers I mean UPS, DHL, DSV, GLS and many other three letter companies that deliver your Christmas presents, but in a business context they are also responsible for B2B deliveries of goods to shops and warehouses. I’ve previously worked in Logistics for many years and so have …