How to use Amazon S3 from Node-RED

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a very commonly used object storage solution that’s cheap to use and highly reliable. Think of it as a file system in the cloud with enterprise features that you can use to store almost anything. Amazon S3 This guide assumes you already have a working Amazon S3 account and …

Linux Command Line Calendar

I’ve used Linux for almost 20 years and somehow never knew you could get a calendar on the command line 🤯🤯 Just type ‘cal’ for the current month or cal followed by the year (‘cal 2019’ for example) to get a full year. See the man pages for details. me@myserver:~$ cal 2019 2019 January February …

Bitcoin RPC Commands over SSH Tunnel

If you’re running a Bitcoin full node and want to run RPC commands against the Bitcoin client from a remote machine the easiest and safest way to do this is using Port Forwarding over an SSH connection. What is Port Forwarding used for? Secure access to a port that is otherwise not listening on a …

Generating New Product Names using Neural Networks

So everyone knows Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence / Cognitive Computing, call it what you will, is the new marketing catchphrase for people trying to sell their software products and services. You can be sure if it’s not already baked in then it’s in the roadmap for 2020. It used to be ‘Big Data’, but …

Getting Database and Table Sizes in Postgres

Total Database Size This SQL simply gets the total size of the database in a human readable format. SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(‘postgres’)) as db_size List all Tables This lists all the tables in the database public schema. SELECT tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = ‘public’ Search Schema for Column Name I often need to search all the …

Setting Up a Local Blockchain with Ganache

Why would I want to do this? Interacting with Blockchains and blockchain technology probably seems for most people like a very complex task. How to even get started? Don’t they run on some servers spread across the globe? How would I make a transaction and see the result? Wouldn’t I use to use real money …

Monitoring a Bitcoin Node Using Node-RED

Now my Bitcoin Full Node is fully synchronized and running I thought it would be good to set up some simple monitoring to check it’s still up and up to date with the Bitcoin Blockchain. Bitnodes API Helpfully there’s already a site that monitors all the full nodes and also provides a handy API at …

Running a Bitcoin Full Node on a Raspberry Pi 4

First Attempt I’ve wanted to run a Bitcoin full node for a while now. Not because it makes any money, quite to the contrary, it actually costs money to run a node, but to better understand a technology there’s nothing better than learning by doing 🧠 A full node is a program that fully validates …

Uploading Files Over SSH Using KNIME

If you have SSH access to a server and want an easy, visual way of uploading files that can be automated and scheduled then using KNIME works great. Fortunately KNIME already has an SSH Connection node so the set up is very easy. The basic flow is as follows: Make a connection the ssh server …