OpenCage Geocoding Using KNIME

A standard installation of KNIME does not come with a built in Geocoder node but it’s very easy to either install one or make your own. KNIME has a page dedicated to Geo Nodes ( using the Palladian Community Nodes that supports both MapQuest and Google. But if you want to roll your own using …

Using KNIME Recursive Loops with a GraphQL API

Introduction This guide will show you how to use a recursive loop to download data from an API. I my case I’ll be using a GraphQL API but the approach would work in a similar way for any other REST API. This guide will not go into the details about the workings of GraphQL as …

Dynamically Output to Multiple Files in KNIME

The Problem How to output to multiple files with dynamic contents and unique names using KNIME without hardcoding filters and using multiple branches? Loops, you need loops. Coming from Alteryx that doesn’t have loops (you are required to use macros to achieve the same effect) it took me a while to understand KNIME loops. But …

Default Include or Exclude New Columns in KNIME

It’s common when creating a new workflow that after the flow is finished the source data can change. The most common scenario is when connected to a database table or view and the data gets extra columns added. In this scenario you need to make sure that your workflow doesn’t break caused by the introduction …

How to use Amazon S3 from KNIME

This post follows on from my S3 post usng Node-RED so you can read that for a brief into to S3. Using S3 with KNIME is extremely easy as there is already an S3 node available to install. Amazon S3 Connection The only node that needs installing is the Amazon S3 Connection. All the other …

Uploading Files Over SSH Using KNIME

If you have SSH access to a server and want an easy, visual way of uploading files that can be automated and scheduled then using KNIME works great. Fortunately KNIME already has an SSH Connection node so the set up is very easy. The basic flow is as follows: Make a connection the ssh server …