Money As Data

Current ‘Digital’ Money As much as many people use banking apps and send money via their smartphones, money isn’t really digital yet. What do I mean by ‘not digital’? Of course it doesn’t mean you need to physically transfer paper money and metal coins to buy a coffee. You can of course do this digitally …

IoT Sensors – Saving Collected Data

Now that my sensors are successfully collecting data and the data is being processed by a Node-RED flow on my Raspberry Pi the final step is to add some persistence to the data. As it stands the data is constantly streaming and being displayed on a dashboard but after that it’s discarded so there’s no …

IoT Sensors – Data Collection

In the first part I talked mostly about the sensors and the gateway so in this article I’ll show you how to collect, filter and store that data from the sensors. My setup is running locally on my LAN and uses a Raspberry Pi 3B+ to process the data. I’ll be using Node-RED to process …

IoT Sensors – Getting Started

Introduction I’ve been interested in setting up some home monitoring/automation since getting my first Raspberry Pi a couple of years ago. After using the device for various development projects I finally decided on my first project, try to make a basic home temperature/humidity monitor that cold measure both indoor and outdoors. The idea is to …

IoT with Node-RED and Python

Now I have two Raspberry Pis running, one as a Bitcoin full node and the other mostly used as a dev/experimentation machine I decided it’s time to put the dev machine to some use. I’d also like to learn more about IoT (Internet of Things) and how they are wired together and communicate so this …